Date: 01-08-25
What’s New
Reviewer Role Permissions Update
Reviewer-type users cannot add themselves as a reviewer on a Use Case: we updated roles & permissions such that reviewer-type users can’t add themselves as a reviewer on a Use Case that they are an Owner or Contributor on.
Bug Fixes
Reviewer-type users can no longer edit or assign controls for Use Cases they’re not stakeholders on: we fixed a bug where Reviewers were able to edit or assign controls on Use Cases that they weren’t Owners or Contributors on; now Reviewers have read-only permissions for controls applied to Use Cases that they’re not stakeholders on.
Reviewer-type users can no longer add comments to Use Cases they’re not stakeholders on: we fixed a bug where Reviewers were able to add comments to Use Cases that they weren’t Owners or Contributors on.
“Questionnaire completed” email no longer sent when questionnaire is still incomplete: we fixed an issue where the “questionnaire completed” email was sent to Use Case Owners erroneously, even when the questionnaire remained complete.
When a user deletes an option in a questionnaire question, any associated triggered actions should be cleared: we fixed a bug where triggered actions weren’t clearing after a questionnaire update when the option that triggered the actions was deleted from the questionnaire.
Updated questions should not retain previously submitted answers if the question has been deleted: if a deleted answer is re-added to a questionnaire, previously submitted answers (from before the question was deleted) will no longer appear in Use Cases after a questionnaire update.