Release Notes: Credo AI v2024.14.3

Date: 12-10-24

What’s New

Triggers & Actions Improvements

  • Revert triggered risk classification: now, when a user changes their selection on an intake question from an answer that triggered risk classification getting applied to the Use Case to an answer that is not a trigger, the risk classification will revert back to whatever the classification was before the selection was made.

  • Default to highest risk classification: the Use Case risk classification will now default to the highest level that was triggered (i.e. if the risk classification was set to “HIGH” from Question 1 and “LOW” from Question 2, then the risk classification of the Use Case will be “HIGH”).

Attach Supplementary Files

  • Attach supplementary files to text-type intake questions: users can upload supplementary files to any intake question that expects a text-type answer;

  • Attach supplementary files to text-type controls: users can upload supplementary files to any control that expects text-type evidence.

Updated Roles & Permissions

  • Reviewer-level users no longer can edit questionnaire sections that they haven’t been assigned: Reviewer-type users no longer have the ability to edit questionnaires on Use Cases they aren’t Owners of, unless they have been assigned that questionnaire section.

  • User-level users no longer can manually add reviewers to review their Use Cases: User-type users cannot manually add reviewers to their Use Cases; only Reviewer- and Admin-type users can manually add reviewers to Use Cases.

Email Notifications

  • Removed duplicative email notification upon reviewer leaving feedback: Use Case Owners were receiving two email notifications when a reviewer left feedback on their Use Case; we’ve removed one of these duplicative email notifications to reduce noise for users.

Bug Fixes

  • Questionnaire compliance count correctly updates when removing selections from a multi-select question: we fixed an issue where the completion count of a questionnaire didn’t update after a user removed all selections from a multi-select question in an intake questionnaire.

  • When a trigger is deleted, its associated triggered actions are now reverted: we fixed a bug where the triggered actions associated with a deleted trigger were not reverted.

  • Hidden questions displayed via triggers are now shown after a questionnaire update: now when you update a questionnaire applied to a Use Case, hidden questions that are displayed via triggers will properly be displayed.

  • Alerts display without a page refresh: we fixed a bug where alerts were not displaying without a page refresh.

  • Comments no longer disappear when trying to edit: we fixed a bug where comments were disappearing while users were trying to edit them.

  • Use Case metadata fields no longer display in the Vendor Registry: we fixed an issue where custom Use Case metadata fields were erroneously appearing on Vendor records in the Vendor Registry.

Updated Policy Packs

  • Updated EU AI Act Policy Packs: we have made new versions of our EU AI Act Policy Packs available based on the final text of the EU AI Act. If you have access these Packs in your Governance Center, the new versions will automatically be available to you; if you don’t have access to these Packs, but you want them, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

  • Updated ISO 42001 Policy Pack: we have updated our ISO 42001 Policy Pack with implementation guidance. If you have access this Pack in your Governance Center, the new versions will automatically be available to you; if you don’t have access to this Pack, but you want it, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

  • New OMB Guidance Policy Packs: we have new Policy Packs available to support compliance with the OMB Guidance on U.S. Federal Agency Use of AI. If you want access to these Packs, please contact your Customer Success Manager.