Date: 11-14-24
What's New
Revert Triggers & Actions
Revert triggered risk scenarios: now, when a user changes their selection on an intake question from an answer that triggered risk scenarios getting added to the Use Case to an answer that is not a trigger, the triggered risk scenarios will be removed from the Use Case.
Revert triggered reviewers: now, when a user changes their selection on an intake question from an answer that triggered reviewers getting added to the Use Case to an answer that is not a trigger, the triggered reviewers will be removed from the Use Case.
Email Notifications
Email notification to Use Case owners goes out when all required questions are complete: we updated the email notification that goes out to Use Case Owners prompting them to submit their Use Case for review to go out when all required questions, instead of all questions, are complete in the intake questionnaire.
Bug Fixes
Provided answers missing after questionnaire update: we fixed an issue where answers to intake questionnaires were disappearing after the questionnaire version was updated on a Use Case.
Text edits lost in intake questionnaire screen: we fixed an issue with the free text fields in intake questionnaires, where text edits were lost caused by autosave overriding inputted text due to a slow internet connection.
Multiple select edits lost in the intake questionnaire screen: we fixed an issue where selected options in a multi-select intake question would change or disappear caused by autosave overriding inputted text due to a slow internet connection.
Reviewers didn’t have permission to comment: we fixed an issue where reviewers didn’t have permission to comment on a Use Case that they have been requested to review.
Reviewers don’t have permission to assign controls: we fixed an issue where reviewers didn’t have permission to assign controls.