Vendor Registry (BETA)

Credo AI’s Vendor Registry allows you to manage your AI vendors with transparency and ease

With Vendor Registry, you can review vendors to identify and mitigate the risks of your AI use cases utilizing these vendors at scale.

Accessing the Vendor Registry

  • Select Vendor Registry on the left-hand navigation panel.
  • In the Vendor Registry, you can search for a Vendor, see Use Cases associated with each Vendor, manage each Vendor’s approval status, and add a new Vendor.
  • Clicking on a Vendor row will bring you to the Vendor page with specific details and management options for that specific Vendor.

Access the Vendor Registry

Adding & Editing Vendors

  • To add a new vendor, click the “+” button at the top right-hand corner of the Vendor Registry page. Admins only.
  • To edit a vendor, click on a Vendor row to  access the Vendor page. Here you can click the edit button to edit information, provide a review status, and upload relevant documents about a Vendor. Admin only.

Credo AI provides information about Vendors of popular AI models and applications out-of-the-box. Please contact your customer success manager for more information.

Add a new Vendor

Information about a Vendor on  a specific Vendor Page

Vendor Review Status

  • To modify a Vendor’s Review Status, click the “Change Status” button at the top right-hand corner of a specific Vendor page. Vendors can have one of three statuses:
    • Open: The Vendor has not undergone any review. Use cCases associated with this vendor should take consideration about the vendor.
    • OK: The Vendor has been reviewed by an admin and is likely suitable for any given Use Case.
    • Rejected: The Vendor has been reviewed by an admin and is not suitable for use for any given Use Case. Additional consideration should be taken before proceeding with a Use Case using this Vendor.

    • A Vendor’s review status will be reflected in use cases associated with a Vendor.

Vendor Transparency Reports

To support the procurement and governance of third-party AI systems, Credo AI has identified a set of “must know” pieces of information for enterprises to feel comfortable adopting generative AI (genAI) technology. This information covers a range of topics, from performance to cybersecurity and data privacy and is relevant throughout the genAI value chain from developers building on top of genAI models to users of genAI applications.

The questions for each vendor in the value chain were identified by Credo AI’s technical and policy experts based on customer input and a deep understanding of the current state of the genAI market and standards ecosystem.

Credo AI’s Vendor Transparency Reports curate publicly available information to populate each report, citing the original source. Upon request, this information can be populated in your Credo AI Governance Platform tenant with these entities and information, making it seamless to govern these vendors and downstream use cases that build on these entities.

Starting September 5, 2024, the Credo AI has reports for the following Vendors (with additional vendors being added over time):

  • Adobe
  • AWS
  • Cohere
  • Figma
  • Github
  • Glean
  • Google
  • IBM
  • Linkedin
  • Meta
  • OpenAI
  • Perplexity
  • Slack
  • Stability AI
  • Vanta
  • Zoom