User Access and Management

Accessing the Credo AI Governance Platform and managing users

This has three sections:

  1. Organization Users Access: to access your own organization's Credo AI Platform
  2. Vendor Users Access: to access an organization's Credo AI Platform as a vendor
  3. FAQ: frequent questions and answers

Organization Users Access

This is for when you want to access your own organization's Credo AI Platform. 

First, go to 

Next, type in the name of your organization. If you do not know this, contact your Credo AI admin at your organization or us at

Single Sign-On

If your organization has SSO set up, then log in with this option. There is no need to have already been invited to join and access the Platform. If you face any issues, reach out to your organization's IT for help as this is managed by them.

We strongly recommend setting up SSO for accessing our Credo AI Platform as it offers enhanced security and convenience. Using SSO simplifies the login process and reduces the risk of password-related security issues.

Note: SSO is the only access option for self-hosted tenants.


If you do not see the SSO option, then you need to log in with your email and password.

You need to be first invited to the Platform. Contact your Credo AI admin at your organization to invite you.

Inviting a New User

Credo AI Admin-type users can invite new users to the Platform. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Users & Teams
  2. Click on the + button on the top-right
  3. Complete the form and submit


The individual will receive an invitation email.

Invitations expire after 7 days for security reasons. You can always re-invite by clicking the Resed icon next to the invitee's entry in the USERS list.

Accepting an Invitation

Once invited by your admin, you receive an invitation email from "" with the title "You've been invited to join Credo AI account"


Click on the link. You will be prompted to set a password. Type in a password of your choice and then you will be directed to log in to the Platform.

Invitations expire after 7 days. If that has happened, you can contact your Credo AI admin and they re-invite you directly from inside the Platform.

Managing User Roles

There are two different organization user types in the Platform:

User: this is meant for individuals who are developing, using, or buying an AI system that needs to be registered in the Platform for governance. Business Owners, Product Managers, and ML Engineers are some common personas for this user type. Users are mostly limited to registering new Use Cases, seeing only the Use Cases where they are designated as a Stakeholder (either as an Owner or Contributor), and accessing the governance assets (Policy Packs, Intake Questionnaires, etc.).

Admin: this is meant for individuals responsible for the AI governance of the AI systems. Individuals from the AI Governance Team, Privacy Teams, and Legal Teams are some common personas for this user type. Admins can see all the Use Cases, edit governance assets, invite new users, and more. 

By default, all users are User-type users. Admins can promote User-type users to an Admin on the Users & Teams page if it is necessary.

Vendor Users Access

This is for when you want to access an organization's Credo AI Platform as a vendor.

Vendor users receive an email to access the Credo AI Platform Vendor Portal to complete tasks assigned to them.

Inviting a New Vendor User

Credo AI Admin-type users can invite new vendor users to the Platform. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Users & Teams
  2. Click on the VENDORS tab
  3. Click on the + button on the top-right
  4. Complete the form and submit


This will add the vendor user.

Accepting an Invitation

Once invited by an admin, you receive a vendor invitation email from "" with the title "You are invited to Credo AI"

Invitations expire after 7 days. If that has happened, you can contact your Credo AI admin and they re-invite you directly from inside the Platform.


Click on the link. You will be prompted to set a password.


Then you will be able to log in to the Credo AI Platform Vendor Portal and see your assigned tasks.

You can go to for the next time you want to access the Portal.


My invitation email does not work

Invitations expire after 7 days. If this is the case for you, contact your Credo AI admin, and they re-invite you directly from inside the Platform.

Admins can also check the status of your invite next to the Resend icon:

  • Invitation has not been accepted
  • Invitation has expired 


I do not receive the password reset email


  • you are already a user, i.e., you have already received the invitation email, set the password, and logged in at least once in the past.
  • check your spam folder.
  • you have typed in the right organization name after you go to If you are not sure about that, contact your Credo AI admin at your organization or us at

I am stuck in an infinite log-in loop

  • Try clearing the cache in your web browser.
  • You may have entered the wrong organization name, which exists but is not the one you are meant to access.


If you need help, email us at