January 2024 - Governance Process Customization

This release includes a few usability improvements, bug fixes, and new customization options for your Credo AI tenant.

Date: 01-30-24

New Features

Define alerts for Questionnaire answers

You can now add “alerts” to certain responses to Intake Questionnaire questions—for example, you can trigger an alert if a user selects “Yes” to the question, “Does the Use Case leverage Personally Identifiable Information?” These alerts are visible in the Review Summary screen of the Use Case. Use alerts to call reviewers' attention to critical information about the Use Case that might be risky or in violation of company policies.

Customize your Credo AI Risk Framework

You can now customize the different Use Case Risk categories (high/medium/low, etc.) available in your Credo AI tenant, so you can track risks using the terminology and taxonomy that makes sense for your organization.

Filter your AI Registry with Custom Fields

We’re adding filters to the AI Registry that you can use to filter your Registry and organization-wide dashboards by custom metadata fields like Business Unit, etc.

Bug Fixes

Fixed missing email notifications

Any user that is added as an Owner or a Contributor to a Use Case will now get an email notification alerting them of this.

Multi-select controls

A bug that previously prevented users from making multiple selections on multi-select controls is now fixed.