Governance Status Documentation

Track the status of a Use Case through the AI governance workflow, from initial Intake to AI Governance.

What is a Governance Status?

A Governance Status is a means of tracking where a Use Case is in your AI governance workflow. By default, the Credo AI Platform comes with two possible Governance Statuses: Intake and Governance. Use Cases with the Governance Status of intake are in the Intake stage of AI governance, where the focus is collecting information about the context of the Use Case in order to define the appropriate Governance Plan. Use Cases with a Governance Status of governance are in the stage of AI governance where users are providing evidence that the requirements defined in the Governance Plan are being met. 

When a Use Case's Governance Status is "Intake," a User’s access to edit the Use Case is more restricted than that of the Admin, in order to maintain data integrity and keep the Business User focused on providing the information required to complete Use Case Intake.

Who can change a Governance Status?

Only Admins can change the Governance Status of an AI Use Case. 

Who can do what in Intake and Governance?

Permissions Use Case Contributor Use Case Owner Admin
Can answer intake questions
Can request review
Can manage compliance plan
Can manage risk plan
Can provide evidence to controls
Can access the Overview in Intake
Can change use case status:
(Intake -> Governance)


When should an Admin change a Governance Status?

We strongly recommend you only move Use Cases from intake to governance, not governance to intake. The main task during intake is to hone Questionnaire answers and develop a Governance Plan. Once those tasks are complete, your Use Case is ready to be governed long-term. Move the Governance Status from intake to governance. 

If changes must be made to the Questionnaire or Governance Plan when a Use Case is in governance and you must revert the status back to intake, we recommend opening another Review simultaneously to sign-off on those changes. 

Use Cases should spend less time in intake than governance, because governance is ongoing. 

How can Admins change a Governance Status?

Every Use Case has a Governance Status. Admins can change  it by navigating to your Use Case -> left-hand hamburger menu -> Settings.

What is the difference between Governance Status and Use Case Lifecycle Stage?

A Use Case Lifecycle Stage refers to the development lifecycle of an AI System. Field options are: Draft, Experimental, Development and Production.

Governance Status refers to which stage of the AI governance workflow a Use Case is in; AI lifecycle stage refers to the stage of the AI development workflow of a Use Case (i.e. development, validation, deployment).