Governance Plan Documentation

What is a Governance Plan?

The Governance Plan is a summary of how your organization plans to govern and is governing an AI Use Case. It is the primary artifact of the Review process in Credo AI. A Governance Plan is a summary of your plan to ensure risk mitigation and regulatory compliance  of an AI Use Case. 

Read over your Governance Plan to ensure you have all governance bases covered -  every relevant control should have an owner and a due date. 

Where can I find a Governance Plan?

Each Use Case has a Governance Plan. Navigate to a Use Case -> Overview, or Use Case -> Review screen to access that Use Case’s Governance Plan. 

How is a Governance Plan populated?

As the governance team builds a risk plan (risk mitigating controls applied to risk scenarios) and a compliance plan (controls applied to policy packs) and assigns due dates and assignees to each control, the Governance Plan feature will populate automatically. In other words, the Governance Plan is a summary of all the work your team does in the Risk tab and Compliance tab, and it auto-populates as you work.