Getting Started: New User Guide

Getting started with the AI Governance Platform to adopt, scale, and govern AI safely and effectively


The Credo AI AI Governance Platform is a software product that helps you adopt, scale, and govern AI safely and effectively.



  1. Go to
  2. Type in the name of your organization. If you do not know this, contact your admin at your organization or us at
  3. Log in to the Platform:
    1. If your organization has SSO set up, log in with the SSO option.
    2. Otherwise, you should have been first invited to join the Platform via email and password. If you have not received the invitation email, ask your admin to invite you first.

More information about user access and management is available here.

User Types

There are two different user types in the Platform:

User: this is meant for individuals who are developing, using, or buying an AI system that needs to be registered in the Platform for governance. Business Owners, Product Managers, and ML Engineers are some common personas for this user type. Users are mostly limited to registering new Use Cases, seeing only the Use Cases where they are designated as a Stakeholder (either as an Owner or Contributor), and accessing the governance assets (Policy Packs, Intake Questionnaires, etc.).

Admin: this is meant for individuals responsible for the AI governance of the AI systems. Individuals from the AI Governance Team, Privacy Teams, and Legal Teams are some common personas for this user type. Admins can see all the Use Cases, edit governance assets, invite new users, and more. Admins can also promote User-type users to Admin.


Welcome to the Platform!

On your Home page, you can see your user type (Admin or User), register a new Use Case, and review your Tasks.


On the left, you can navigate to the

  • AI Registry: to see the list of AI Use Cases registered in the Platform. Users can only see the Use Cases where they are designated as a Stakeholder while Admins can see all the Use Cases. 
  • Model Registry: to see the list of models registered in the Platform or register new ones.
  • Governance Center: to see AI governance assets such as Policy Packs, Intake Questionnaires, Risk scenarios, and Controls. Users can see the assets, but only Admins can create and edit them. 
  • Dashboard: to see summary insights and visualizations about the state of the Use Cases.
  • Users & Teams: to see users list and create new user teams. Admins can also manage the users here and add new users. They can also add Vendor users here.

Use Case Registration

New Use Cases are registered by User-type users, such as Business Owners.

Note: Admin users are the ones who design the intake process, from creating the Intake Questionnaire to defining Triggers & Actions.  They can also register a Use Case, but the registration steps below show the experience from the perspective of a User-type user.

To register a new Use Case:


Go to Home and click on New AI Use Case. Then select the right Intake Questionnaire and name your Use Case to begin.



Complete the list of questions. 


Here you can also add stakeholders to the Use Case if needed.


Once you are happy with the answers, click on New Review. This will submit your Use Case for review. You do not have to specify a Reviewer but if you wish, you can.


With this, your Use Case registration is now complete and no more actions are needed from you as the Business Owner (User type). The Governance Team will review your Use Case and assign tasks to you as needed. The Platform will send you email notifications if that happens.

Use Case Review

Reviews are completed by Reviewers who get added to the Use Case Review.

You get notified when a Use Case Review task is assigned. 


Reviewers can see the Use Case information, Alerts, Governance Plan, the Questionnaire completed by the Business Owner, the Risk Scenarios added by the Platform, and the Policy Packs under the Compliance tab. They can leave feedback, which can either involve approving, rejecting, or requesting changes to the Use Case and its Governance Plan. Reviewers can also leave comments for the Business Owner if needed (More information about Reviews is available here).

The Use Case Governance Plan describes the risks that must be mitigated and the compliance requirements that must be met by the Use Case throughout its lifecycle. Reviewers can see the Governance Plan that is defined for the Use Case, and they can make edits to the Governance Plan by editing the Risk Plan or the Compliance Plan of the Use Case.

At any point in time, a Review can be approved and closed (or just closed) by an Admin user. When a review is approved and closed, the Admin has the option to move the Use Case to the next governance stage—from Intake to Governance. If the Admin just closes the Review, the Use Case will remain in the Intake stage of governance.


Use Case Governance

After a Use Case has moved from Intake to Governance, work on completing the requirements defined in the Governance Plan can begin.

The Governance Leads assign the risk and compliance controls to the Business Owner and their teams. They complete the requirements to ensure risks are mitigated and compliance is achieved. 

Governance of a Use Case is a continuous process. As the Use Case goes through its lifecycle stages and/or new requirements become applicable, new reviews are instantiated and completed.


This is the start of the journey with the Credo AI Platform. Check out the Tutorials and Documentation to learn more about all the features and capabilities of the Platform.